Friday, December 5, 2008

from Bitch Session

from The Washington Blade's Bitch Session:
DEAR LESBIAN BITCH: THANKS for treating me like a piece of trash when I served you on Thanksgiving when I could have been with my own family and friends instead. Don't you know not to be cruel to the people who serve your food? I look forward to seeing you next time! Love, your gay waiter.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

from El Paso TX

from El Paso TX, scroll down to TXTwizter:
[ . . . ]

In my 20 years of being a server,
the BEST tippers have always been white middle age business men, other servers or bartenders, strippers, gay men, hair stylist and college students;
the WORST tippers are Black ghetto thugs and their "posse" and hoochie girlfriends, Dykey Lesbians, Old folks over 70, Mexicans in general, Sunday "after church" crowd, nurses and white trash.

Every other group kinda falls in the "average" category.

[ . . . ]

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thank you, Audrey!

One person can change the world. Money quote:
It was fantastic to be in an auditorium with all the most famous and sacred gay and lesbian authors of all time! Magic was in the air last night. At the at the pre-awards reception, I went up to the bar and got a lovely glass of red wine...included in the ticket price surprisingly, and put a $5 tip on the counter. The gay barman's face lit up, and I smiled to myself as the other gay men put down $1 bills. Single handedly, I was going to put to rest the stereotype of the "cheap" lesbian tippers!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

from Gay Wait Staff


1969er: Anyone care to weigh in on lesbian tipping practices?

caesarea4: Is that like cow tipping?

I usually tip $1 when I get a glass of water at the bar.

What about carry-out?

irishboxers: It is if you're in Wisconsin.

As a former waiter and bartender, lesbians were tricky. Some tipped well, others were downright mean (run you ragged for that dollar on $80). In general, though, not so great. I had some lesbian regulars at my last bar and they tipped very well, but like I said they were regulars.

Hidden member: LOL about the lesbians.... amongst others.... whom we curl our toes, and roll our eyes about when we see at our bar or in our section...

silkrock: I sure do they are by far the worst tippers I have ever seen! I hate it when they want to act all nice about it. What a bitch.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Happy Waitress

from The Happy Waitress:
After my third consecutive lunch shift at the restaurant, the novelty has definitely worn off. Actually yesterday’s lunch was going pretty well until my last two tables. First were the lesbians- I thought I had this one in the bag since lesbians usually love me. In fact once as I was walking away from the table I heard one woman say to the other, “she is so sweet!” The magic was lost when they got the bill, however. It was $75 and they left me a $2 tip. Yikes!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

from the same Lesbian blog: Potluck

Things Dykes Like

[ . . . ] (3) Dykes are cheap. (see future post on tipping)
Note: No such post has been observed

Sunday, April 6, 2008

from a Lesbian blog: Things Dykes Like

Things Dykes Like

Cant' blame a girl wanting to save some cash. (see post to come on lesbian tipping practices) Plus Chris hates to shop and Leslie takes care of the clothing budget.
Note: No such post has been noted.

from a Lesbian Discussion Group: Stuff Lesbians Like Part 18: Being cheap to fund their food habits

from Stuff Lesbians Like Part 18. Money quote:
Yes, we’re cheap. We’re not always the best tippers but please understand.. we’ll need the $5 to spend that old fashioned, 100000% butterfat ice cream “shoppe” after dinner.
Don't forget to check out the comments!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A survey with a different conclusion

from Queercents: Money quote:
Lesbians were the most generous with their coffee shop tipping but by contrast, they were 10% more likely than gay men not to tip the bartender.
Don't forget the comments!