Sunday, December 17, 2006

from Pam's House Blend: Q of the day: bad tippers

We love Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend. Here's her take on bad tippers. Money quote:
I'm in agreement with the comment that lesbians are bad tippers. I know tons of lesbians who make far more than I do and either tip poorly or leave no tip at all. Yet lesbians are demanding of a waiter's time.
-- a Daily Bitch quote on the front page of the WashBlade
Is this some kind of stereotype that just won't die? All my lesbo friends tip well since we know how little waitstaff are paid -- tips are everything to these hard-working folks.

Kate and I are always generous tippers, so much so that in the places we regularly go, waiters and waitresses always remember us (sometimes after only being there once, which I cannot figure out) and want us to sit in their sections, and even chat with us about their day, their families, etc. We treat them like human beings -- and watch in horror as we see so many patrons skip out without tipping, or become the demanding table from hell.

Maybe it's because we're both polite Southerners and the above-mentioned Daily Bitcher is from one of the big cities (where the dykes are cheap)? Who knows? I simply think it's time to quash this stereotype.

Q of the day, particularly for the folks who are waitstaff or have done so in the past -- who are the cheapskate tippers?

from Pandagon: Q of the day - bad tippers

from Pandagon:
I’m in agreement with the comment that lesbians are bad tippers. I know tons of lesbians who make far more than I do and either tip poorly or leave no tip at all. Yet lesbians are demanding of a waiter’s time. – a Daily Bitch quote on the front page of the WashBlade
Is this some kind of stereotype that just won’t die? All my lesbo friends tip well since we know how little waitstaff are paid — tips are everything to these hard-working folks.

Kate and I are always generous tippers, so much so that in the places we regularly go, waiters and waitresses always remember us (sometimes after only being there once, which I cannot figure out) and want us to sit in their sections, and even chat with us about their day, their families, etc. We treat them like human beings — and watch in horror as we see so many patrons skip out without tipping, or become the demanding table from hell.

Maybe it’s because we’re both polite Southerners and the above-mentioned Daily Bitcher is from one of the big cities (where the dykes are cheap)? Who knows? I simply think it’s time to quash this stereotype.
Check out the comments and the update, too!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Webtender Forums: Re: Tippers - Heterosexual vs Homosexual

from The Webtender Forums:
Re: Tippers - Heterosexual vs. Homosexual

> My findings: gay men are excessive tippers, you
> almost feel bad for taking their money. Lesbians on the other hand
> are excruciatingly tight with their money and heterosexuals are fair.

> Thoughts anyone?

i totally agree, on a stereotype of reasoning. i believe gay men tip the
best, straight people set the norm for tipping, and blacks and lesbians are
the worst tippers.

my reasoning: back in 2002 i was going out with a cocktail waitress from
Laguna Beach. her brother was a bartender and is gay. He made a ton of money
each night. I was baffled. why did he make so much more than me, becuase the
crowd he serves is gay and the crowd i serve is straight?

her answer: many gay men work white collar jobs that pay well. most gay men
don't have children and families to support, along with being partnered. Dual
income, no kids. leaves alot of disposable income. it made sense to me.

as for blacks and lesbians being weaker tippers than the straight/white
segment of the population. I grew up in Seattle, which has a large gay
community (gays and lesbians). from my experience, lesbians are just shitty
tippers on the whole, no real reasoning other than experience.

[ . . . ]

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

from a Lesbian Wait Staff herself

hollywood farm girl [writing about working in NY]:
I remember bartending one night at a ladies' bar.... We ended up so packed full of people, they had to start turning people away at the door. Seriously packed. The ladies who were able to get into the bar were not that happy about it either. Not really any place to sit, barely a place to stand, and forget about using the restroom. I turned to the cocktail waitress who was helping me: "What the hell is going on?" She laughed and shouted back, over the din: "A Melissa Etheridge concert just let out!" and then I lost her in the crowd. I worked my ass off that night. I saw some friends who had been able to attend. I didn't. Couldn't afford to: every last penny was getting saved up for my big trip to LA. So I missed a lot of Melissa Etheridge concerts, but I sure as hell waited on her concert-goers. Just FYI: lesbians are the worst tippers. Gay men are the best. Straight men come in second, straight women come in third, and my sexy sisters come in dead last. I figured it's cuz women make less than men, and PE teachers make less than everyone else. But I loved being around "family". I loved working in a gay bar. I'm sure my regulars all freaked out when I started becoming successful and lied my ass off to the press about my sexuality. Ugh. How shitty of me. My eyes were on a prize that others had insisted was The Prize for me, and I had forgotten my goal in the first place: happiness. It's easy to lose yourself when you place so many others in charge of your life.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Cattyshack, Brooklyn, New York

Here's the review of the Cattyshack, near Park Slope in Brooklyn. And here's the comment:
[ . . . ] I know us lesbians have a bad rap for tipping, but the coat check cost and cover charge stink!